Tel: 01543 375311 Email: [email protected] Viva Espresso Machinewith GTVUSER GUIDEHot Beverage Guide‘the Perfect Serve’
Magrini VIVA GTV Espresso MachineLATTE using Manual Milk Arm ›› Take the Milk jug›› CHECK: Milk jug is clean›› Fill with milk to no more than 1/2 f
Magrini VIVA GTV Espresso MachineFinished Latte Drink›› Remove the thermometer from the jug›› Bang the jug 3 times on a flat surface keeping the
Magrini VIVA GTV Espresso MachineCAPPUCCINO using Manual Milk Arm ›› Take the Milk jug›› CHECK: Milk jug is clean›› Fill with milk to no more than
Magrini VIVA GTV Espresso MachineFinished Cappuccino Drink›› Remove the thermometer from the jug›› Place the coffee cup on a saucer›› Take the milk
Magrini VIVA GTV Espresso MachineHOT CHOCOLATE using Manual Milk Arm ›› Take the Milk jug›› CHECK: Milk jug is clean›› Fill with milk to no more th
›› Mix powder and water together10›› Put 2 teaspoons of hot chocolate powder into cupMix to Make PasteMix to Make PasteMagrini VIVA GTV Espresso Mach
Tel: 01543 375311 Email: [email protected] VIVA GTV Espresso MachineBEST PRACTICE ›› Never wash coffee cups in the glas
Magrini VIVA GTV Espresso MachineESPRESSO ›› Select the cup›› CHECK: No cracks or chips›› CHECK: Cup is clean and dry›› CHECK: Cup is warm – if no
Magrini VIVA GTV Espresso MachineAMERICANO ›› Select the cup›› CHECK: No cracks or chips›› CHECK: Cup is clean and dry›› CHECK: Cup is warm – if n
Magrini VIVA GTV Espresso MachineLATTE using Milk Autofrother ›› Take the Milk jug›› CHECK: Milk jug is clean›› Place the milk jug next to the Auto
Magrini VIVA GTV Espresso Machine›› Select the cup›› CHECK: No cracks or chips›› CHECK: Cup is clean and dry›› CHECK: Cup is warm – if not then rin
Magrini VIVA GTV Espresso MachineCAPPUCCINO using Milk Autofrother ›› Take the Milk jug›› CHECK: Milk jug is clean›› Place the milk jug next to the
Magrini VIVA GTV Espresso Machine›› Select the cup›› CHECK: No cracks or chips›› CHECK: Cup is clean and dry›› CHECK: Cup is warm – if not then rin
Magrini VIVA GTV Espresso MachineHOT CHOCOLATE using Milk Autofrother ›› Take the Milk jug›› CHECK: Milk jug is clean›› Place the milk jug next to
Magrini VIVA GTV Espresso MachineTEA ›› Select teapot›› CHECK: No cracks or chips›› CHECK: Pot is clean and dryTeapot›› Fill milk jug with cold mil
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